We are always looking to welcome new volunteers!
This annual event couldn't happen without an extraordinary amount of support of our community. There are many ways to volunteer. Check out the ideas below and contact us in Fall 2024 if you might be interested in a shift
November 1 - December 15:
Dropping off boxes to Community Holiday Food Drive locations
Hosting a warm clothing or sock drive
Picking up donated food; dropping it off and sorting at our storage area
Assembling gift tags
Distributing Trees of Joy and name tags
Wrapping gifts for seniors and people with disabilities
Setting up tables at Carey Foster Hall at our distribution sites
December 8 - 19:
Setting up the distribution site for the Holiday Community Food Drive
Organizing donated gifts by family
December 20 & 21, Holiday Partnership distribution days:
Participating on-site during our gift and food assistance distribution days
Delivering food boxes and gifts to seniors and disabled recipients
December 21 & 22:
Cleaning up distribution sites
Helping to move any left over items to storage for next year